Sanford Cattle Co. Logo

Latest update 8/1/24

Terms & Conditions

We ship throughout the 48 contiguous states, to any address that UPS can deliver.

We will only allow a package of perishable product to be in transit for three consecutive days. Keep in mind that we are shipping from our farm in the Southeast corner of the United States. If your order

Cannot be received within 3 days using ground shipping, our website will not allow you to choose ground as the shipping option. If you are given the option for ground, it will get there within 3 days of shipping. If you are not given the ground option, you must use express service. Express service charges are based on weight and distance. If you have any concerns regarding shipping, please contact our office for additional details.

For more details, see the Orders & Shipping section of our FAQ page.FREE ground shipping on orders with a product total over $249
$15 ground shipping on orders with a product total over $149
UPS or FedEx rates + a $20 handling surcharge will apply for ground shipping on orders containing perishable items with a product total of $149 or less
Orders containing ONLY non-perishables ship via USPS for $15 nationwide
Orders containing perishables and shipping outside our 2-day ground network must be upgraded to express shipping due to the amount of time they would be in transit. These shipping totals are calculated per pound per mile by our shipping provider
Orders containing BOTH perishables and non-perishables will ship as follows:
- Perishables ship via UPS or FedEx at the rates listed above, depending on location.
- Non-perishables will ship via USPS for an additional flat rate of $5.
- Cost of shipping will be combined at checkout to display the total rate.
- Please note: USPS shipments tend to arrive a few days after UPS/FedEx delivers.
We do not ship to PO Box addresses.
Want more info on ground vs express shipping? Check out our blog post about how we ship your order.Everything is vacuum sealed, frozen, and shipped with dry ice within a 3 day transit time.

If your cooler still contains dry ice on arrival, wear gloves to remove the bag from the cooler and place the bag outdoors. Once completely evaporated dispose of the plastic bag.

Dry ice is solidified carbon dioxide. As the -109°F substance absorbs heat, it turns directly into a gas, releasing carbon dioxide into the air.

What not to do:
Do not place dry ice in water or other liquids.
Do not attempt to dump dry ice in a sink or toilet. The extreme cold will harm sink and toilet parts and pipes.
Do not dispose of dry ice in garbage receptacles or garbage chutes.
Do not leave dry ice in an unventilated room to evaporate. It will release a build-up of carbon dioxide into the air that can cause rapid suffocation.
Do not place dry ice on a tile or laminate countertop. Instead, use a solid surface – a wood cutting board or piece of plywood is best. Dry ice is sometimes used in tile removal and may destroy the bonding agent holding the tile or laminated material in place.
Do not store dry ice in a glass or air-tight container. Pressure will build up inside and could cause the container to explode.

By default, orders ship in styrofoam coolers. While styrofoam isn't recyclable, we rarely have meat spoil in transit. We hope that you can hold onto the cooler and take the delicious meat and poultry you purchased from our farm on a nice picnic! You can also donate the cooler to an animal shelter or food shelter or repurpose the cooler. We love some of these ideas.

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