Why choose Sanford Cattle?


There are many potential benefits to consuming locally raised beef. Some of these benefits include:

· Supporting local farmers and the local economy: When you buy locally raised beef, you are supporting local farmers and the local economy. This can help to ensure the sustainability of local agriculture and provide economic benefits to your community.

· Freshness and flavor: Local beef is typically fresher and has a better flavor than beef that has been transported long distances. This is because locally raised beef is typically processed and sold more quickly, which helps to preserve its flavor and texture.

· Higher quality and safety: Local beef is typically of higher quality and safety because local farmers are more likely to take care of their animals and follow stricter standards than large-scale industrial operations. This can result in healthier, tastier beef.

· Environmental sustainability: Local beef is often produced using environmentally sustainable methods, such as grass-fed or pasture-raised practices. This can help to reduce the environmental impact of the beef industry and protect natural resources. Overall, choosing locally raised beef can provide a variety of benefits, both for you and your community